Trademark Heaven EOFY Sale - June 2024 Discounts
Trademark Availability Report
Your first step to securing your intellectual property and branding. Protect your rights and reputation.
Our Trademark Availability Report (TAR) is a form of due diligence and assesses the potential trademark you wish to register. It represents an essential saving of your time and money.
After you receive the Trademark Availability Report, your initial TAR fee (A$90) is deducted from the price of a Full Trademark Registration Fee, that is, A$600 to A$510, should you continue the registration process with Trademark Heaven.
- Maurizio Gucci
“Is not a fashion or design house, it was always a trademark.”
Trademark Registration
*After TAR
When the Trademark Availability Report assesses the potential likelihood of registration, your next step is
Once Trademark Heaven has completed your Trademark Availability Report and you have approved its content, we use this information to make application for your trademark with IP Australia, the Australian Government. There is no duplication of effort. The trademark application is then viewed by highly qualified trademark specialists employed by IP Australia, the trademark Regulator.
“Your trademark is your brand's most valuable asset.
Protect it fiercely.”
Trademark Registration
Get a
It is possible to register your trademark outside Australia.
Our Global Trademark Availability Report is designed to gather data from you about your trademark and for us to assess the potential availability of your trademark.
Trademark Heaven is your Trademark Agent for Trademark Registration Applications in Countries outside of Australia.
Once we have completed your Trademark Availability Report, you will be in a much better position to decide if you wish to proceed to the trademark registration application. We save you time and money.
We have adopted the Madrid System for registration using the IP Australia platform to maintain security and transparency. When you have completed the Trademark Registration Application, Trademark Heaven will respond to you with a quotation for the country you wish to register your trade mark.
We save you time and money. We do the work for you. We Work With Trademarks. Own a piece of commercial real estate - trademark it!